Bouquet Care Guide

First bouquet? Someone sent you this beautiful gift and you just want to keep it looking fresh, but you’re not sure how? We’re here to help! Just follow these steps and you’ll have an incredible vase arrangement in no time.

  1. The first thing to remember is water- be sure to pick the right size vase for your bouquet and fill it nearly to the top with cool water.

  2. Take the packet of flower food from your bouquet and mix it into the water. If your bouquet doesn’t have flower food, that’s okay! It means your flowers just prefer plain water, so that’s one less step to worry about!

  3. This is probably the most important step, which is why you’ll hear us saying it all the time at our shop: cut all the stems on an angle immediately before placing the bouquet in the water. Skipping this step is a huge no-no because the stems can dry out at the ends, making it impossible for them to absorb water. Cutting the stems reopens them and allows them to drink, keeping your flowers fresher for longer!

  4. Your bouquet was designed to be placed in the vase as is, but if the bouquet loosens while you’re preparing it that’s okay! Just arrange the flowers in your vase so that all the blooms are visible in a full display with a little more height around the center, being careful not to take any stems out of the water for too long. If a stem happens to be sitting out of water for a bit, just recut it before you place it in the vase and you’re back in business.

  5. After demonstrating your designing skills, you may be tempted to put your beautiful vase arrangement in a bright window to make your neighbors jealous- NOT SO FAST! Cut flowers are very sensitive to temperature, so please keep your arrangement away from windows, vents, drafts, and any other areas of your home that could make your flowers sad. The best spot for them is someplace cool and dry.

  6. The last step is often overlooked, but makes all the difference: upkeep. Be sure to change your water and recut your stems every 2-3 days to get the most life out of your flowers. If your arrangement is starting to look not-so-hot, you’d be surprised how much this step can revitalize it. Of course, all flowers have their expiration, so keep in mind the average lifespan of an arrangement is 5-10 days, with some flowers lasting longer than others.

Keith Bell

Let Long Stems be your first choice for flowers. Long Stems has been proudly serving the Greater Philadelphia area since 1985, and has Philadelphia’s largest selection of fresh cut flowers daily. We are family owned and operated with one location covering the entire Philadelphia area, Bucks County, Chester County, Delaware County, and Montgomery County. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt. Because all of our customers are important, our professional staff is dedicated to making your experience a pleasant one. That is why we always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect.

Oasis Arrangement Care Guide